

Egyptian Goddes, Inc. v. Swisa, Inc.大法廷判決を読む7

 Egyptian Goddes v. Swisa大法廷判決は、米国意匠特許権に関し、「新たな侵害判断基準を設定した画期的なものである」と評価されている。例えば、山口洋一郎著「米国CAFCにおける特許制度改革―意匠権のクレーム解釈における公知意匠の役割を明瞭にしたEgyptian Goddes v. Swisa大法廷判決―」(AIPPI(2009)Vol.54 No.1)(以下「山口氏論文」という)を参照。

 本件では、Egyptian Goddes社(以下「EG社」)のネイルバッファー※1に関する意匠権を、Swisa社のネイルバッファーが侵害するかが問題となった。米国連邦巡回控訴裁判所(Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit(以下「CAFC」という。))は、一度従来の侵害判断基準に基づき非侵害の判決を出したが、これを取り消し、同大法廷審理を経て、意匠権侵害判断の重要な二つのルールを示したという。


 本HP1回目では、Egyptian大法廷判決のうち、主に意匠クレーム解釈について言及した第一のルールに関する部分を訳しその意義を考えた。2回目以降は、侵害判断の第二の基準と理解されてきた「新規な点の基準(the point of novelty test)」を廃止し、先行意匠を知る通常の観察者(the ordinary observer)が対比する両意匠を混同する場合に侵害を認めるとした第二のルールに関する部分を訳しその意義を考えたいと思う。まず2回目は、同大法廷判決のうち、「新規な点の基準」を採用した地裁と最初のCAFCの両判決に触れた部分を訳した。3回目は、同大法廷判決のうち、「通常の観察者の基準」を打ち立てたGorham Co. v. White, 81 U.S.511(1871)最高裁判決と、これに「新規な点の基準」を新たに導入したとされているLitton Systems, Inc. v. Whirpool Corp判決に関する部分を主に訳した。4回目は、両当事者の主張に関する記載部分を訳し、さらに、同大法廷判決が挙げる過去の判決を訳し、同大法廷判決がこれらをどのように評価したかを同回と5回目でみていき、第6回目は、過去の判決を検証した結果、みえてくる結論に関する記載部分を訳した。最終回は、本件に戻って、同大法廷判決が最終的な判断を下した記載部分「Ⅳ」を訳す。 なお、英文は、Egyptian大法廷判決文(http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/06-1562.pdf)より引用。



原文:We now turn to the facts of this case. It is agreed that the general shape of the accused nail buffer at issue in this case is the same as that of the patented buffer design. The difference between the two is that the accused buffer has raised buffing pads on all four sides, while the patented buffer has buffering pads on only three sides. The two closest prior art nail buffers before the court were the Falley nail buffer, which has a solid, rectangular cross section with slightly raised buffers on all sides, and the Nalico patent, which shows a nail buffer design having a triangular shape and a hollow cross section, and in which raised buffing pads are located on all three sides. The four nail buffers are pictured below:』


『我々が上述した基準の下で裁判所が取り上げる問題は、先行意匠であるFalleyとNalicoの両意匠に精通した通常の観察者が、Swisaバッファーが、特許されたバッファーと同一と信じてだまされるかどかである。EG社は、このような観察者は、先行意匠と、断面において四角形で、角に露出した隙間がある隆起したパッドを有する中空管からなる389特許との違いに気づくだろうと主張する。その主張を補強するために、EG社は、その鑑定証人Kathleen Eaton氏の宣言を引き合いに出す。特許バッファー、被疑侵害バッファー及びNlicoバッファーを見た上で、Eaton氏は、特許意匠と被疑侵害意匠は、‟通常の観察者が、それが特許されたバッファー意匠であると考えて、被疑侵害バッファーを購入するほどに混同する"と結論付けた。彼女は、その結論に達した理由として、‟[被疑侵害意匠と特許意匠の]実質的に類似する外観は、断面が四角形で長方形の長さで、側面に取り付けられた複数の隆起した四角形のパッドを有する中空管で、その角は覆われていないものである両意匠に起因する"と説明する。被疑侵害バッファーは四側面全てにパッドがあり、クレーム意匠は三側面のみにバッファーパッドがあることが確認できるけれど、"通常の観察者やネイルバッファーの購入者に対し、一つ以上のバッファーパットの存在が、特許意匠全体と比較して、意匠全体の装飾的効果や外観を大きく変えるということは考えられない"と彼女は述べた。

原文:The question before this court under the standard we have set forth above is whether an ordinary observer, familiar with the prior art Falley and Nalico designs, would be deceived into believing the Swisa buffer is the same as the patented buffer. EG argues that such an observer would notice a difference between the prior art and the '389 patent, consisting of "the hollow tube that is square in cross section and that has raised pads with exposed gaps at the corners." To support that contention, EG invokes the declaration of its expert witness, Kathleen Eaton. After viewing the patented, accused, and Nalico buffers, Ms. Eason concluded that the patented and accused designs would "confuse an ordinary observer into purchasing the accused buffer thinking it to be the patented buffer design." She reached that conclusion, she explained, because "the substantially similar appearance [between the accused and patented designs] results from both designs having a hollow tube, square in cross section and rectangular in length, with multiple raised rectangular pads mounted on the sides, and that do not cover the corners of the tube." While recognizing that the accused buffer has pads on all four sides and that the claimed design has buffer pads on only three sides, she stated that "I do not believe that, to an ordinary observer and purchaser of nail buffers, the presence of one more buffer pad[s] greatly alters the ornamental effect and appearance of the whole design as compared to the whole patented design."』

『Swisa社は、389特許が、"磨き(abrasive)パッドなしの第四の側面を追加する"という点を除いて、結果として四端が直角であるNalicoネイルバッファーの意匠を密接になぞっていると反論した。Swisa社は、断面が四角形の沢山のものを含む、近似した先行意匠バッファーに照らして、通常の観察者は、クレーム意匠と被疑侵害意匠の相違に気づくだろうと主張する。その主張を補強するため、Swisa社は、専門家のSteve Falley氏の宣言を引用する。Falley氏は、先行意匠群と、被疑侵害意匠と、特許意匠にある違いに目を向け結論づけた。

 Nalicoバッファーに、磨き材(an abrasive)の付加なしに第四の側面を単純に追加しただけだ。これは、Nalicoバッファーの中空部分を維持し、Nalicoバッファーを原型のFalleyバッファーブロックのブロック形状に持ち込んだだけだ。すでに市場には長い間、一つの側面に磨き材のない三側面バッファーブロックがあったので、Nalicoバッファーの後に、三側面の中空状のバッファーを、四側面とし、一つの側面に磨き材のないものにすることができることは明らかである。

原文:Swisa counters that the '389 patent closely tracks the design of the Nalico nail buffer, except that it "add[s] a fourth side without an abrasive pad, resulting in square ends." In light of the close prior art buffers, including a number having square cross-sections, Swisa argues that an ordinary observer would notice the 43between the claimed and accused designs. To support that contention, Swisa cites the declaration of its expert, Stee Falley. Mr. Falley addressed the differences among the prior art designs, the accused design, and patented design, and he concluded that 

  you could simply add to the Nalico Buffer a fourth side without an abrasive on it. This merely takes the Nalico Buffer to the block shape of the original Falley Buffer Block, while keeping the hollow aspect of the Nalico Buffer. As there had already been on the market for a long time 3-way buffer blocks that had no abrasive on one side, it was also obvious after the Nalico Buffer that you could have a three way hollow buffer that had four sides but with no abrasive on one side.』本文28頁



原文:Mr. Falley added that "four-way" nail buffers having four different abrasive surfaces have been made since 1985, and that dour-sided "buffer blocks" have been on the market since 1985, and that four--sided "buffer blocks" have been on the market since 1987. He pointed to catalog showing three-sided an four-sided suffer blocks that have been offered for sale since at least 1994, and in fight of his knowledge of the industry, he stated that the "number of sides with abrasive surface on them would be important to purchasers because it determines whether a buffer is a "Three way buffer" or a "four way buffer." Accordingly, he concluded:

  The different between a buffer with abrasive on three sides--a "three-way buffer"-- and a buffer with abrasive on four sides--a "four-way buffer"--is immediately apparent to any consumer used to buying nail buffers. Even if such a consumer did not have a preference for either three-way or four-way buffers (although they almost always do), they would at a glance be able to tell that a buffer with abrasive on only three sides had abrasive on three sides, and was a three-way buffer, while a buffer with abrasive on four sides had abrasive on all four sides, and was a four-way buffer.  I cannot imagine consumers would buy buffers with abrasive on four sides thinking that they were buying buffers with abrasive on three sides.』本文28-29頁


原文:The problem with Ms. Eaton's declaration is that she characterized the accused and patented designs a similar because they both have square cross sections and "multiple" raised buffer pads, without directly acknowledging that the patented design has three pads while the accused design has four, one on each side. She also failed to address the fact that the design of the Nalico patent is identical to the accused device except that the Nalio design has three sides rather than four. Thus, she could as easily have said that the Nalico buffer design "is like the accused design because both designs have a hollow tube, have multiple rectangular sides with raised rectangular pads mounted on each side that do not cover the corners the tube," ixn which case the Nalico prior art buffer would be seen to closely resemble the accused design. Nothing about Ms. Eaton's declaration explains why an ordinary observer would regard the accused design as being closer to the claimed design than to the Nalico prior art patent. In fact, Ms. Eaton's reference to the prior art buffers is limited to the single, and conclusory, comment that an ordinary observer and purchaser of nail buffers would consider he patented design and the accused buffer to be substantially similar, "particularly in light of other nail buffers, such as a solid block buffer and the hollow triangular Nalico buffer."』本文29頁


原文:In light of the similarity of the prior art buffers to the accused buffer, we conclude that no reasonable fact-finder could find that EG met its burden of showing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that an ordinary observer, taking into account the prior art, would believe the accused design to be the same as the patented design. In concluding that a reasonable fact-finder could not find infringement in this case, we reach the same conclusion that the district court reached, and for many of the same reasons. Although we do so by using the ordinary test as informed by the prior art, rather than by applying the point of novelty test, our analysis largely tracks that of the district court. After analyzing the Nalico patent and the claimed design, as they related to the accused, the district court concluded that "in the context of nail buffers, a fourth side without a pad is not substantially the same as a fourth side with a pad." While the district court focused on the differences in the particular feature at issue rather then the effect of those differences on the appearance in the particular feature at issue rather than the effect of those differences on the appearance of the design as a whole, we are satisfied that the difference on the appearance of the design as a whole, we are satisfied that the difference on which the district court focused is important, viewed in the context of the prior art.』本文29-30頁

『最後に、我々はこの事案で地裁が採用した"非自明な進歩"の基準を採用していないが、通常の観察者の基準での分析は、地裁のアプローチと本質的な点で同じ方向性にある点を指摘する。地裁は、我々がするように、先行意匠に照らして、クレーム意匠と被疑侵害意匠との相違を見ることに焦点をあてた。地裁は次のように書いている。"Swisaバッファーは、隆起した、磨きパッドを全ての四側面に有している。ネイルバッファー分野の先行意匠を考慮すると、被疑侵害意匠と特許意匠の相違は、微細なものとはみなされない。"(省略) 地裁の決定は異なる分析的アプローチを採用したにもかかわらず、その点は今回の我々の決定の論拠の本質をとらえている。前述の理由から、非侵害の地裁の略式判決を支持するが、我々が支持しない新規な点の基準を用いることなく、我々が採用した形で通常の観察者の基準のもとで地裁の判決を支持する。ゴーハム最高裁判決(省略)によって使用された言葉において、先行意匠に精通した購入者が、クレーム意匠と被疑侵害意匠との類似性によりだまされるほどに、つまり、‟彼はそれを他のものと思って購入するよう誘導されるほどに"、被疑侵害意匠が、クレーム意匠と似ていると当然にみることはできないと判断する。

原文:Finally, although we do not adopt the "non-trivial advance" test employed by the panel in this case, we note that our analysis under the ordinary observer test is parallel to the panel's approach in an essential respect. The panel focused on viewing the difference between the claimed and accused designs in light of the prior art, as we do. The panel wrote: "The Swisa buffers have raised, abrasive pads on all four sides. When considering the prior art in the nail buffer field, this difference between the accused design and the patented design cannot be considered minor." 498 F.3d at 1358. That point captures the essence of the rationale of our decision today. even though the panel decision employed a different analytical approach. For the foregoing reasons, we sustain he district court's entry of summary judgement of no infringement, but we do so under the ordinary observer test in the form that we have adopted and without using the point of novelty test that we have disapproved. In the language used by the Supreme Court in Gorham, 81 U.S. at 528, we hold that the accused design could not reasonably be viewed as so similar to the claimed design that a purchaser familiar with the prior art would be deceived by the similarity between the claimed and accused designs, "inducing him to purchase one supposing it to be the other."』30-31頁







